• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Relationships and Health Education (RHE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

Why teach Relationships, Sex and Health Education at infant school?

The concept of teaching RHE to children as young as those in our school can seem inappropriate and alarming to some people but this, in large part, is due to a misconception of what constitutes RHE, particularly in the early years of schooling.

The purpose of school RHE, located within a broader, carefully planned programme of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, is to gradually and appropriately prepare children and young people for adult life and positive healthy relationships. It supports them through their physical, emotional and moral development, and helps them to understand themselves, respect others and sustain healthy relationships of all kinds.

In early primary years, RHE is largely about relationships and the need to focus on friendship, growing and changing, and the building of self-esteem.

What do we teach the children in our school?

Relationships, Sex and Health Education in our school is integrated into all aspects of PSHE from the start of school life. Children are taught about topics such as respect for themselves and others, relationships, how to deal with peer pressure, loss and separation and are encouraged to talk about and deal with a range of feelings, including love.

What should I do if I’m still uncomfortable about my child taking part in these sessions?

You can find more information about RHE, including the policy, below. If you still have questions and/or queries about the content of these sessions or would like further advice or support on your child’s learning in this area, please contact us.

Relationships and Sex education content from;


RHE displays around our school

Kindness – Whole school work relating to Anti-Bullying week
Diversity and British Values in our school hall