• School will be closed on Thursday 12th December due to local elections taking place

Home Learning 15.5.20

Home Learning Friday 15th May 2020

Hello Monkeys and Elephants,

We hope that you enjoyed this week’s activities!  Remember to complete the activity that matches the coloured sticker on the front of your work pack.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

Floppy’s Phonics

We would like you to start your day with some phonics. You can practice your speed sounds every day by following the links on our class pages.

Red group – Today we would like you to look at the letter group ‘ur’ as in purse. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. purse, hurt, turn, curls, church. Use your phonic knowledge to read the words. Now ask a grown up to read the words so you can write them. Listen carefully to the sounds in the words. Can you put one of the words into a sentence?

Blue group – Today we would like you to look at the sound ‘ch’ as in chick. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. chick, chap, chin, rich, lunch. Use your phonic knowledge to read the words. Now ask a grown up to read the words so you can write them. Listen carefully to the sounds in the words

Yellow group – Today we would like you to look at the sound ‘g’ as in gate. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. gap, dig, gas, digs. With your grown up use your phonic knowledge to read the words and have a go at copying the words.

Remember, say the sound, read the word.

It’s Fun Friday

All groups

Can you work with a grown up to bake a cake?

Here is a simple recipe that you can follow.


What flavour will your cake be?  How will you decorate your cake?

Don’t forget to email or Tweet us a photo of your finished masterpiece.

Thank you.

Mrs Gascoyne, Mrs Hall & Miss Millward