• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm


In music pupils will have the opportunity to learn to:

  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music

In Early Year’s Foundation Stage, activities are planned around the ‘Expressive Arts and Designs’ area of the Foundation Stage curriculum. Music is taught through continuous provision. The children have access to a music area where the children can explore musical instruments, songs and rhymes.

In Key Stage One, music is taught as discrete sessions and through cross curricular topics. Many activities are planned to cover the relevant key skills and knowledge for each year group but also have links to other subjects wherever possible; particularly Literacy and Numeracy.

In Key Stage 1 we offer opportunities for children to;

  • Listen to a range of musical pieces
  • Form own opinions
  • Review and evaluate
  • Create and compose
  • Perform to others
  • Use musical instruments
  • Consider how music makes them feel.

Music content can be accessed from; www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/239037/PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Music.pdf